This may be the most kick-ass video I have posted yet. It's so kick-ass, I got tired of putting the labels on the bottom.
Cydonia is the town in Indiana where Butch lives. This is a portrayal of everyday life in that town.
When you stop watching videos, the terrorists win.
This may be the most kick-ass video I have posted yet. It's so kick-ass, I got tired of putting the labels on the bottom.
Cydonia is the town in Indiana where Butch lives. This is a portrayal of everyday life in that town.
Posted by
Pavel Chekov
11:55 PM
Labels: amc pacer, bar brawl, bird of prey, circle of death, cowboys, flinging poo, gallows, gunslinger, hologram, kick-ass, kung-fu, laser, shaolin bear strike, shiny robot, tai chi, unicorn
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Yet another kick-ass video. And one of my favorites off the latest Guitar Hero
Shhh...that's where I got the idea from.
I want to make this type of movies.
Gold star for you.
Ha! I play guitar hero too . . .
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